NCT Part 2 Qualification

Participating HBCUs and their team members must submit the Part 2 Qualification materials by January 24, 2025.

Important: If students do not return to campus until after that date, you must submit the team registration (roster) and have the participants complete their participant registration before the holiday break.

The criteria and process for selection of teams for the NCT is as follows:
The NCT field will be determined by teams' performance at the National Qualifying Tournaments (NQTs). The exact formula for determining the advancing from the NQTs depends on the distribution of slots at the NQTs.

Online team and participant forms are password protected and use a secure server. Submissions are kept strictly confidential.
Please use the following chart to reference the two sections of the NCT Part 2 Qualification process:

Complete Liability & Copyright Acknowledgement

This form must be submitted by the President or a Senior Vice President/Provost who has the authority to bind the institution. This form may be submitted online by that person or printed, completed, scanned and then emailed to:

Institutional Eligibility

Download pdf form

A scanned copy signed by ALL the players AND sealed by the Registrar is required.

Team Registration

This form MUST be completed BEFORE any Participant Registration forms may be completed.

Submit your roster (4 players + 1 faculty/ staff coach), travel information, rooming list AND registering any Institutional Reps (IR's). You must submit the full legal name and social security number of all participants.

Once we receive and process the team Registration Form, only then can those individuals (and only those individuals) complete the Participant Registration form.

Please check all spellings, travel dates and other issues that could affect a player's availability carefully with the players before submitting the roster.

You will be asked to pair your team members into hotel rooms. Room and tax will be paid for 5 people (1 faculty/staff and 4 players). Unless you request otherwise, we room students with students and staff with staff in rooms for 2 people (each with his/her own bed). Any player or coach not paired with another member of your NCT Team will be paired with a roommate of the same type and sex.

The cost of a single room for the coach is $1,500 (there is no discount).

Institutional Reps (IR's) pay a registration fee of $2,500 to attend the NCT plus the cost of their hotel room. There is a limit of 30 IRs in total, so we are limiting IRs to 1 per HBCU. We will book travel for Institutional Reps only upon receipt of an email request to do so. Your institution will be invoiced for IR registration and hotel room, and must pay the invoice by 3/17/2025.

Enter Team Members

Participant Registration

Only individuals named by the Coach or Campus Coordinator will be able to log on to register.
Each person attending the NCT must complete their own form online.

We use a password protected database for easy and secure submission of this data. Participants who attended the previous year's NCT may review and update previously submitted information, saving considerable time.

Complete Participant Registrations

(optional) Player Change

Call in advance if you are considering a player change.

Starting on 3/10/2025 player changes cost $150 plus the cost of any new airline tickets (once booked, tickets cannot be reused in any way). Beginning 3/17/2025 this fee increases to $250 per player change; after 3/24/2025, this fee increases to $350 per player change.

Note that you must also submit a new Institutional Eligibility form with the registrar's seal and that the new player must complete the Participant Registration form.

Submit Player Change