NCT Part 1 Qualification

Participating institutions must submit the Part 1 Qualification materials by December 6, 2024 and Part 2 Qualification materials by January 24, 2025.

HBCU have options to complete NCT Part I Qualification. Use the links below to quide your submission progress. Items spanning both columns are required for both Options 1 & 2. 

Option 1: Power Search + HCASC Club

Option 2: Power Search + Campus Tournament

  • Conduct Power Search quizzes with at least 100 students (for HBCUs with less than 750 students, the minimum is 50).
  • Submit the Player List (including scores for a minimum of 100 students unless, as above, your undergrad population is less than 750) along with a roster identifying members of the HCASC Club (a minimum of 12 members).
  • Submit scoresheets from 7 games using this year's campus games in the Game Play Database.
  • Conduct Power Search quizzes with at least 75 students (for HBCUs with less than 750 students, the minimum is 50).
  • Hold a campus tournament with a minimum of 8 teams (24 players). Submit an accurate tournament chart and all scoresheets from the tournament.
  • Submit the Player List from your Power Searches (including scores for a minimum of 75 students) and a complete Player List from the campus tournament.

Update Key Contacts & HBCU Information

Submit Campus Program Report

Not applicable

Tournament Chart

Download and fill in/annotate the tournament chart.
Upload (filled in or scanned pdf) with all team names and scores filled in.


Scoresheets are generated by the Game Play Database. 

For an HCASC Club, you must submit 7 games scoresheets using
Campus Games #11-20.

NOTE that the game number in the 2nd column when you 'Reprint Scoresheet' is what you must refer to (not the match number in the first column).

Upload Scoresheets


Scoresheets are generated by the Game Play Database. 

With the tournament chart and scoresheets from this year's Campus Games (#11 - 20), HCASC headquarters must be able to re-create your tournament.

NOTE that the game number in the 2nd column when you 'Reprint Scoresheet' is what you must refer to (not the match number in the first column).

Upload Scoresheets

Participant List

Enter in all the required contact information, in the Game Play Database indicating how each student participated: 

Power Search (with quiz number and score)
Member of your HCASC Club and/or played in your campus tournament

Upload the Participants List

Publicity Samples

Download the templates (optional)
Download O
fficial Logos

Upload Publicity Samples