
Liability Waiver & Copyright Acknowledgement

Instructions: This form must be submitted by the President or a Vice President with authority to bind the institution..

* indicates a field for which a response is required!

Step 1: Your Information

* School
* Title on campus

* Full Name
* Email
* Office Phone
* Full Name Again
(to verify that you are not a "form robot")

Step 2: Your Institution's Agreement

As an institution participating in the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge National Championship Tournament (the HCASC NCT), we hereby agree and certify the following:

  1. Our team will be accompanied to the NCT by a full-time faculty or staff advisor/coach who will travel with the players and attend all official NCT functions.
  2. Our institution agrees to hold College Bowl Company, Richard Reid Productions, Inc., American Honda Motor Co., Inc., and/or any third-parties providing services for the NCT free from any responsibility or liability whatsoever, for any damage to or loss of personal property and/or for any illness or injury incurred in connection with my institution’s participation at the NCT.
  3. Honda Campus All-Star Challenge is a service mark owned by the College Bowl Company and american Honda Motor Co., Inc. The format for the game is the property of the College Bowl Co., Inc. and is protected under applicable sections of the U.S. Copyright law. Honda Campus All-Star Challenge matches and game question may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form, without the express written consent of the College Bowl Company or its assignees.

By submitting this form, you are committing on behalf of your institution to the terms hereinabove.

If submitting this form with an original signature, please sign here:   